John Rutka

Ear Nose and Throat Doctors (ENT) in Toronto, Ontario
23 September Day 1 (23rd September)
Plenary Session 1 (Otology, Rhinology, Head & Neck)
John Rutka (Canada)
Tumors of CPA and lateral skull base: changes in decision making process
Amin Javer (Canada)
Advanced FESS: How to do it properly, pearls and pointers and going around the ICA
Hani Al Marzouqi (KSA)
The Evolution of Thyroid Surgery
Basil Al Sabah (Kuwait)
Hussain Abdulrahman (UAE)
23 September Room 1 (Otology - 2)
Panel Discussion
Cochlear Implantation
23 September Room 1 (Otology - 2)
Management of cholesteatoma: new advances Time trends and future Concerns
24 September Room 1 (Otology - 3)
Round Table Discussion (Endoscopic vs Microscopic Ear surgery)
Mohamed Badr-El-Dine (Oman)
Jamal Kassouma (UAE)
Ibtisam Al Sulaimi (Oman)
Khalid Al Zaabi (Oman)
Essam Saleh (KSA)