
John Rutka


Ear Nose and Throat Doctors (ENT) in Toronto, Ontario

08:00 - 08:50

23 September Day 1 (23rd September)

Plenary Session 1 (Otology, Rhinology, Head & Neck)

John Rutka (Canada)

Tumors of CPA and lateral skull base: changes in decision making process

Amin Javer (Canada)

Advanced FESS: How to do it properly, pearls and pointers and going around the ICA

Hani Al Marzouqi (KSA)

The Evolution of Thyroid Surgery



Basil Al Sabah (Kuwait)

Hussain Abdulrahman (UAE)

13:30 - 13:50

23 September Room 1 (Otology - 2)

Panel Discussion

Cochlear Implantation

14:10- 14:30

23 September Room 1 (Otology - 2)

Management of cholesteatoma: new advances Time trends and future Concerns

10:00 - 10:30

24 September Room 1 (Otology - 3)

Round Table Discussion (Endoscopic vs Microscopic Ear surgery)


Mohamed Badr-El-Dine (Oman)


Jamal Kassouma (UAE)

Ibtisam Al Sulaimi (Oman)

Khalid Al Zaabi (Oman)

Essam Saleh (KSA)