
Janet Wilson


I have held the substantive Chair in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery – one of very few in the UK – since 1995. I was the second female to be appointed to a UK chair in a surgical discipline. As Hon Consultant otolaryngologist at NuTH, I have a subspecialist clinical practice in throat symptoms, management of common nasal disorders and persistent physical (unexplained) symptoms. I have developed a new service for local anesthetic vocal cord medialisation and biopsy.

14:20 - 14:30

24 September Room 1 (Phoniatric & Speech - 1)

Injection laryngoplasty

14:30 - 14:40

24 September Room 1 (Phoniatric & Speech - 1)

Adult tonsillectomy and nasal septoplasty – latest Level 1 evidence

13:40 - 13:55

24 September Plenary Session 3

Plenary Session 3 (The role of transnasal oesophagoscopy TNO in the management of persistent throat symptoms)

The role of transnasal oesophagoscopy TNO in the management of persistent throat symptoms
Moderators: Shadhen Al Rayami (Oman) , Amur Al Toubi (Oman)